The Bluffing Game
Take three action cards and one question card from each Curiosity / color. Give one set to each player.
Win two points.
Start of Hand: Each player secretly looks at the cards in their hand, then chooses one to be placed face down on their mat. Decide which player goes first.
Turns: Place a card or challenge someone
The first player can play a second card face-down on top of the first one played. The player to their left can do the same, and so on.
Continue in this way, clockwise, until a player either can no longer play or no longer wants to continue. When their turn comes to play a card, a player can decide not to play an extra card and can challenge the table instead.
After a player challenges the table, no player can place cards on their mats anymore.
A player who no longer has any cards in hand MUST issue a challenge.
A challenge can be issued by offering to flip over just a single card.
Challenging: The player who issues the challenge announces the number of cards they intends to flip over from among all those placed on the play mats of all the players. Going clockwise, each player must then:
Either raise the stakes by increasing the previous bid.
Or pass their turn.
We continue until all the players have passed except one, the highest bidder, called the "challenger". Then we move on to the revelation stage.
Revelation: The challenger must reveal the number of cards from their bet while following these rules:
The challenger starts by revealing all the cards from their own pile.
The cards are revealed in order, starting from the top.
The challenger is never forced to reveal all the cards placed on the mats of other players.
The cards are revealed one at a time. The challenger must never reveal the remaining cards, as the strategy of the other players must remain secret. A player can, however, reveal their own cards themselves in order to see the possible disconcerted reaction of the challenger.
Losing a bet: If the challenger reveals a question card, they have failed and stops flipping cards for their bet immediately. The players each take their cards back into their hands. The challenger loses one of their cards for good. They will be the only one to know if it was an action or question card. The lost challenger will shuffle their cards and lay them facing down. An opponent randomly selects, without touching it, one card to be discarded. That card is placed in the middle of the table and remains hidden. If the challenger loses their last card, they are eliminated from the game and turns all their cards face up. In all cases, the challenger will remain the only one to know if the discarded card is an action or question card.
Winning a bet: If the challenger flips the number of cards they called on the bet and reveals only action cards, the bet is won and the challenger gains one point.
End of the game: As soon as a player gets two points, that player wins the game.
The Reflex Game
Sit in a circle, mix both action and question cards, split into two piles, and place within easy reach of all players. These are the Draw Piles.
To win the most cards by the time the draw pile runs out.
Drawing: Players take turns drawing cards and placing them face up so everyone can see the curiosity flower and number. Everyone will end up with a card in front of them.
Playing a card: Once everyone has a card in front of them, the player takes turn flipping a card again and plays them. Once a card is in play, everyone quickly checks if the curiosity flower or number matches their own face up card.
If not, the next person will draw a new face up card for their pile. Players will only ever have one card showing at a time. If the new card's flower or number matches one that's already out, then you've got a face-off.
Face-off: The two players with a match need to yell out either the flower or number that matched what they have on their card, and the fastest yeller wins.
But that's not all. The winner of the face-off takes the loser's card and put them in front of them face down to keep track of their points.
This will reveal whatever card is underneath, and if that card also matches another player's, those people immediately face off, too. This could set off a chain reaction of face-off after face-off after face-off.
End of the game: As soon as the deck runs out, and all possible matches has been faced-off, players will count the number of cards they have faced down in front of them and the one with the most cards wins.